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Curriculum vitae Dr. Joachim Gerner

born 1954 in Ulm 

1973 - 1978 1. Studed documentary film and television journalism at Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film Munich
1978 - 1983 2. Studied modern history, medieval history and communications at Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich
1978 - 1989 3. Freelance writer, director and producer of documentary films for public-service broadcasters, mainly WDR, NDR, ZDF
1986 4. PhD on the subject of the 1815 - 1819 Württemberg constitutional dispute at Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich
1989 - 2004 5. Head of the Office of Culture of the City of Ulm and Director of the Town Hall 
1991 – 2004 6. Chairman of the Trägerverein der Familienbildungsstätte Ulm
seit Januar 2005 7. City of Heidelberg, Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Family, Social Welfare and Culture 
2012 8. Re-election as Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Family, Social Welfare and Culture

Further functions

National level 
Member of the Board of Administration ‘Deutscher Bühnenverein – Bundesverband‘
Member of the German Association of Cities and Towns – Committee for Social Affairs, Youth and Family
Deputy member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation Reichspräsident-Friedrich-Ebert-Gedenkstätte
2nd deputy member of main Board of Management of ‘Deutsche Vereinigung für Rehabilitation (DVfR)’ 
Federal state level: 
Board member ‘Deutscher Bühnenverein – Landesverband‘ 
Member of Baden-Württemberg Association of Cities and Towns – Committee for Schools, Culture and Sport
Permanent observer Baden-Württemberg Association of Cities and Towns – Committee for Social Affairs
Member of the Assembly of the Baden-Württemberg Municipal Association  for Youth and Social Affairs
Metropolitan region:
Member of Governing Board and Members’ Assembly ‘Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar – Kulturvision’
Chairman of the Board 'Schurman-Gesellschaft e.V.'
City Representative (external consultant) on the Administrative Council ‘Studierendenwerk Heidelberg’
Chairman of the Board of Trustees 'Kinderakademie'
Member of the Executive Board ‘Confucius Institute at University of Heidelberg‘
Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Committee ‘Heidelberger Frühling gGmbH’
Member of the Advisory Board 'Kulturhaus Karlstorbahnhof e. V.'
Member of the Board of Trustees ‘Stiftung Lebenshilfe Heidelberg’
Member of the Board of Trustees ‘Citykirche Heiliggeist’
Member of the Board of Trustees Trägerverein Heidelberg-Haus in Montpellier e. V.
Member of the Advisory Board ‘Stiftung Hassbecker’
Member of the Board of Trustees  ‘Freunde der Sammlung Prinzhorn e. V.’