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Logo GUIDE4YOU (by Stadt HD)

This project is co-funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).

Heidelberg Digital Symposium

Local implementation of the Istanbul Convention - Combating Domestic Violence

Please find programme and symposium presentations here (in German)

Gender star

We use the gender star (*) to address all people who identify as women.

  Zur deutschen Webseite

Don't hesitate to contact us:

Marie-Luise Löffler. (Foto: privat)
Dr. Marie-Luise Löffler
Head of project
Bergheimer Straße 69
69115 Heidelberg
Phone 06221 58-15520

Jana Christ. (Foto: privat)
Jana Christ
Project management
Bergheimer Straße 69
69115 Heidelberg
Phone 06221 58-15522

Women with folded arms (Photo: Shutterstock)


Help for victims of domestic violence


Women at laptop (Photo: Christin Hume/Unsplash)

Click here for the anonymous online survey in 8 languages.


Offering a helping hand (Photo: shutterstock/549090334)

Find help for yourself and your children, it is anonymous and free of charge.


Logo GUIDE4YOU (Photo: Stadt HD)

What is GUIDE4YOU? Click here for more information about the project.


Lotsinnen GUIDE4YOU (Foto: pixabay)

Personal guides are now available to help you navigate the support system


Several hands touching (Photo: shutterstock/614424047)

Here you find information about the GUIDE4YOU project team.


People at lecture (Photo: shutterstock/1061719172)

We regularly introduce our project at networking meetings and conferences.

News & press

Stack of newspapers (Photo: shutterstock/130538774)

Here you find reports and press releases about the project.


Downloads (Foto: pixabay)

You can download promotional material here.