Digitalization is a third area used to encourage sustainable development, creating alliances in local communities, and launching necessary changes. Local communities and countless municipal services went online, participation processes for residents were illustrated, and experiences with IT gathered and shared with the city administration. | 数字化鼓励可持续发展、增强本地社区联络并展开必要变革,是除居住区和办公区之外的第三领域。在本地社区信息及大量市政服务上线后,居民的参与过程得以直观呈现,其使用IT的经验数据可一并与城市管理部门共享。 |
Key administrative processes become more agile, faster, customer oriented and comprehensive through digital support. Energy management can be controlled more efficient via smart metering. New potential for improvement arises in all areas from fleet management to tailored resource deployment. All of these improvements play their part in improving sustainability. Smart sensors can allow for improvements in use-based street lighting, water consumption, waste management, and countless other areas. Diverse portals for services are currently under development and will be combined on one platform. One of our mid-term goals is to use digital monitoring of sustainability goals through indicator-based measurements. |
有了数字化的支持,关键的行政程序变得更灵活、快速,更以客户为本,且更易统筹。智能计量的引入可以更有效地控制能源管理。从高效管理到资源配置,所有领域都出现了新的优化可能。 所有优化措施都在提高可持续性方面发挥了作用。智能传感器可改善基于居民使用行为的街道照明,水消耗,废物管理以及无数其他领域。目前,多样的服务网站正处于开发中,它们将被整合到一个平台上。我们的中期目标之一是利用传感器数据对可持续发展目标进行数字化监测。 |
Numerous initiatives and measures were launched by the city government in cooperation with private parties. According to an internal count, up to 403 measures are underway in accordance with the SDGs. Our goal is to better bundle and coordinate these individual measures. Such an enormous engagement can´t be implemented from top down, but is a result of decades hard work to make this attitude a key part of our city’s DNA. Projects ranging from Bahnstadt to the IBA and digitalization have proven themselves as sources of leverage, which make realizing sustainability goals a key part of everyday life in the local community and further increase our ability to meet ambitious goals. |
市政府与私人团体合作提出了许多倡议和方案。据内部统计,为实现可持续发展目标,有多达403项方案正在进行中。我们的目标是更好地打包及协调单一方案。 由上而下的施政方式不可能实现高参与度。几十年来的努力工作使这种态度成为了我们城市DNA的重要组成部分。铁道新区、国际建筑展及数字化的项目均已证明了它们的影响力,使得实现可持续发展目标成为当地社区日常生活的关键,并进一步提高我们实现雄心的能力。 |
Find more about digitalization projects in Heidelberg Heidelbergs Mayor Prof. Dr. Würzner is practicing what he preaches. Find out more about his award winning online communication project #HolDenOberbürgermeister. |
阅读更多关于海德堡数字化项目的信息 海德堡市长伍尔兹纳教授正在实践他所宣扬的理念。阅读更多关于其获奖项目 #HolDenOberbürgermeister的信息。 |