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Home / Living in Heidelberg / Child care
Kindergruppe beim Spielen

Reserve a care space for your child
You can reserve a space for your baby or toddler in a crib or daycare center. to the reservation

Children drawing together

Child care

Balancing family and work

It goes without saying that men and women should be able to reconcile family and working life – and the City of Heidelberg’s policies are aimed at making this possible. Heidelberg works with a wide range of partners to ensure a good balance.

Extensive child care facilities. In cooperation with other institutions and initiatives, Heidelberg offers a flexible, all-embracing range of child care options in all parts of the city. In fact, Heidelberg is a pioneer in the field of infant care with care available for around 59,8 per cent of infants. 100 per cent of children over three have a place at a child care facility. In addition, around 80 per cent of elementary school children make use of after-school care facilities. 

Day nursery

Educator with two small children looking at picture book

Heidelberg invested very early and very heavily in expanding the number of daycare places and gained a locational advantage.

Day care

Educator with two small children looking at picture book

Heidelberg invested very early and very heavily in the expansion of crèche places and gained a locational advantage.


Kindergarten Schwetzinger Terrasse

A kindergarten close to home is important. Children can then soon go there independently.


Kindergarten Schwetzinger Terrasse

Heidelberg is an international city and in addition to German, many parents want their children to learn another language such as English or French from an early age.

Heidelberg Vacation Program

Educator with two small children looking at picture book

The best prospects for unforgettable vacations are offered by the diverse vacation offers.